Thursday, August 23, 2007


Are you afraid Godly meekness will be seen as weakness?
Remember, meekness is power under control.
Sometimes the best use of power is not to use it.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

I don't know if you've read anything by Rob Bell, but he's part of that "new school" flow of pastors and writers who kind of are about fixing things in assumptions in Christianity and whatnot. I think. He wrote the excellent Velvet Elvis from 2005.

Either way, his newest book is entitled Sex God ("relating sensuality to spirituality"- actually the book has nothing at all to do with sex, which makes me think that he was out for shock value with the title). The entire 5th chapter was just basically described by your three sentence post.

I thought that was amusing. I could have saved $15 and just read the post.