Wednesday, December 21, 2005


“Juanito has hired a hit man to kill you!”

A man sitting behind me in church leaned forward and whispered this in my ear. Juanito was the opposition lawyer in a lawsuit in which our mission was the defendant. I was managing the case.

You can be sure it made me think.

I asked myself if it was worth it to die over a building. No it was not.
“This isn’t just about a building—it’s about ministering in this country. If you don’t hold onto something you’ll let go of everything.”

A line was drawn. I stayed. God’s work was much bigger than this silly lawsuit and threat.

The corrupt attorney fell ill and in a short time he died. I pray he found peace with God in his last days.

* * * * * *

“Lord, if you’ll give us the life and strength to raise it, I’d like to have another child—a girl.”

I was driving alone in the poorest, most dangerous place in Manila called the Tondo dump. I had no thought of having more children. Our two boys were great—they were enough.

When I heard myself pray that out loud it startled me, but right then I knew I meant it even though I didn’t start the thought..

About nine and a half months later Susan Jean was born. As I write this Jean and I have just spent the morning in Susan’s missions house here in Swaziland babysitting her three children—our grandkids—while she and Ben attended a ministry event.
Is that wonderful or what?

“When I found out I was pregnant I started praying for our child’s future spouse.”
Jean was four months pregnant when our friend, a Japanese born missionary to the Philippines, told this to us.

We thought it was a great thing to do and started praying for Susan’s future husband.
Catch the significance of this: Ben is four months younger than Susan.

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