Thursday, December 01, 2005


Indecision is a thief.

It robs us of effective, timely action—it can be deadly like the old adage that says, “He who hesitates is lost,” indicates.

I’ve had to deal with difficult decisions—often.

Usually the action-stealing debate is whether to take a certain action or not to take it,

Well, here’s a sure-fire muddle-buster for me. This question has helped me over and over again.

“Do I have God’s permission NOT to take the action?”

It’s amazing how much clarity this prayerful question brings to the matter.

God will not hide His will from us.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I never really thought to ask myself a question like, “Do I have God’s permission NOT to take the action?”

This should help me in making many decisions very soon. Thanks!
