Thursday, May 29, 2008


Ben Rodgers, Children's Cup African Director, and I were driving into Harare, Zimbabwe. After we stopped at red light we got a flat tire. We didn't know a gang of robbers had stabbed the tire to stop us.

We got out of the truck. Ben was crawling under it to drop the spare tire, I was directing traffic to keep them from running over Ben.

Suddenly three thugs stole our brief cases out of the cab and took off in their car.

A Zimbabwe businessman was in the car behind us and saw it all. He chased the thieves's car. Three blocks away it crashed into another car at an intersection. The police were right there at the scene and they recovered our bags which contained about $10,000 cash (banks don't work in Zimbabwe), passports and vehicle documents.

Two of the robbers were in the back of a police truck. They were rather banged up, but they were lucid enough to let me tell thim I forgave them and God would, too, if they asked Him. One of them responded that he was doing that already.

The Good Samaritan businessman urged me to get the bags from the police or they might keep them.

After a verbal and physical tug-of-war I got the bags out of the policemen's hands and returned to our car.

Ben and I got into our truck and for just a moment sat there in goosebumps--aware that we had just experienced a miracle--a real-time miracle!

1 comment:

Luke Walters said...

Entertaining angels these days I see... Beautiful! I am headed n2 Sri Lanka.