Tuesday, March 20, 2007


The doctors were talking about me.

Three different times they thought I had died already.

It happened 54 years ago today.

"What happened?" I screamed to my hunting partner.
"I shot you."
"In the back of your head."

The bullet blinded me, and I lost a lot of blood.

Mom and Dad stayed at my hospital bedside and prayed 24/7.

On the fifth day the doctors told my parents, "If he lives he'll be a blubbering idiot," rather harsh, I'd say. And I think they were wrong.

On the eleventh day I walked out of the hospital with my sight coming back very well.

Over the years my late brother Don (he helped us start Children's Cup in 1992) would call me at random times and the only thing he's say was, "Well, you lived." Then he'd hang up laughing.

Yes, I lived and what a life God has given me.

Ask me if I believe in healings and miracles...

1 comment:

Tom and Jan Bougher said...

The miracle is true. I can testify ...to at least the part about Dave not blubbering.

Yes, God is still in the business of miracles. We thank God for all Cup is doing to touch the hurting Children of the world. We pray for His continued favor and blessing upon all of your endeavors!
Tom & Jan