Thursday, February 01, 2007


Or is it?

Stand with us at the temple entrance in Macao. Watch as a hard working lady pays her day’s wages to the priest. She’s exchanging her money for hell money.

She steps over to an open fire altar and throws the hell money into the flames--a day’s wages flare up into blaze and smoke. In seconds it’s gone.

Her religion tells her that by doing this she can actually send funds to her loved one in hell to buy a little relief from the torment.

Was it her parent? Her husband? Her child?

There’s more. They say if you give the priest enough money to buy a home or a vehicle, he will make paper models to burn and send them to hell for your loved one.

That cruel laugh echoing through the smoldering caverns of hell is the devil—the deceiver.

Hell money is a joke—a cruel deception!

The enemy of all souls knows that the price of redemption was already paid on Calvary.

Salvation is free!

Jesus’ blood bought it.

Hurting people need to know this.

I’m asking you, “Are you willing to forego a day’s wages to tell them?” How many people can we reach with a day’s wages?

I’m asking me, “Am I willing to forego having a nice home so we can go tell them?”

I don’t think the flame of that burning hell money will ever go out in my mind, nor do I want it to.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I just want to wish you a happy birthday and a happy anniversary! I've started the wheels in motion to come join Children's Cup missionary work and look forward to meeting you in the future.
I'm new to blogging but I've been touched by your writings.
