Saturday, December 30, 2006


1. Am I exempt from the Great Commission?

2. Do I have the Master's permission to stay home or be idle during the harvest?

3. Is there any need that will move me to action?

4. Can I ignore Africa's 14 million AIDS orphans?

5. Even though I've trusted the Lord with my eternal soul, do I trust Him with my checkbook?

6. Is He urging me to give right now?

1 comment:

Karl said...

Brother Dave, you are a philosopher. I always enjoy reading your posts. I have printed your echoes and quotes to share with our home group. I have also taken the liberty to forward them to our pastor and missions director. They certainly bring tears to your eyes. What a world we are living in! God bless you and keep you and give you many more years of health, if He tarries.
Love - Karl