Sunday, July 06, 2008


The Louvre—what a famous gathering place.

I wonder how many people have stood here—right here in this chamber—and contemplated the broken, yet stirring form of Venus de Milo.

Who is here now? Orientals, Africans, Latins, Eurasians. Counting us to represent the Americas all regions are here.

Paris, this city of treaties and fashions has brought millions to this museum for public and private viewings. How long is the roster of viewers? Who are some of the famous that have visited this spot?

Radicals like Ho Chi Minh, Khrushchev, Lenin. Gentlefolk and thinkers like Hammarskjold and Einstein. General Ike, Statesman Adlai, Warrior Patton. The haughty, the Soft. The Rich, the Workers. Bitter ones, lovers, bullies, helpful ones…

We have all seen the same thing. It is almost like this defiled sculpture has bound us all together. Their eyes seeing it reach forward in time and hold the same image my eyes now see. My eyes leap the centuries and hold the same image they beheld. For long moments the eyes of yesterday, today, and even tomorrow lock together on her face. There’s even a sense of presence, like we’ve all come to History’s Gathering Place.

What a thought! There is something that bridges my experience and theirs—centuries notwithstanding.

Can it be that there is one thing that bridges all people across all time?

At first the thought is gentle but it grows in force.


A different form—also marred by human misdeed—was lifted up for all to see.


Like a spike driven into the middle of History, the Crucified Christ rises at the ultimate Gathering Place—that special chamber in man where he fixes his soul’s destiny.

The fortunate have heard and can lift their eyes to Truth in that chamber.

Some refuse to look. Oh, pity the one who came to the Gathering Place and looked away. One step from Now into Forever and he, too, will see the Truth. Too late!

Others search the chamber and can’t find Truth. They will see in Forever, but oh, cherish the chance to tell them now!

Bid all to come to the Gathering Place.

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