Friday, May 15, 2009


It's still in the house again. Jean--my companion for more than 50 years--is sleeping.

I've heard the phrase "wee hours of the morning." Will you let me play with the words and call them the "We hours"? As in God and me.

This stillness has become a destination--a place of peace and direction.

Right now I realize that I'm not the only one awake at this hour. And for some of you it is not a place of quiet and peace. Maaybe it's a difficult decision, a broken relationship, a great personal failure, or a doctor's words that are raging in your mind.

Would you trust God enough to make the quietness of your home an altar--a healing place?

"Father, as we bow in our quiet place altars we may be miles apart yet we are together at your altar, your healing place. Let your presence cleanse away the turmoil. Let your holy presence be the answer to the problems that seem unsolvable. Give clear signals about the next steps forward out of the messes and into your joy.

"In Jesus' name,


An old song is filling my heart:

Blessed quietness, holy quietness,
Blest assurance in my soul!
On the stormy sea, He speaks peace to me,
And the billows cease to roll.

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