Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Read 2 Peter 2

There is an onslaught of error eroding the Gospel of Jesus.

Peter used the words, “damnable heresies and pernicious ways,” to warn us about them.

If you have been a believer serving Jesus for even a few years you can look back and see how far we have drifted from earlier convictions and righteousness. I am reacting to word from a precious new believer who was told, “To be really healed from your past you must forgive God.”

“Forgive God?!”

As if God were ever the offender. Rather, we must ask God to forgive us for ever blaming Him for our situation.

Such pernicious ways are spawned by the father of lies himself. Hear his sneering snickers and howls as this precious young life was deceived.

Early in my Christian walk I observed a group trying to cast the demons out of a young lady. The pastor leading the event said he had a “revelation from God” that day. He said, “When God’s Word declared we must love everybody, that included the devil”.

He proceeded to speak to the demons controlling this girl’s actions saying, “Devil, I even love you as commanded by God.”

I heard coming from the throat of the girl a chilling, sneering laugh.

Result: The girl was not delivered. She went on to threaten marriages and lead other youth into sins of perversion.

Not long after that event the pastor left town defeated and his wife supported him by tending bar.

What a price.

2 Peter 2 goes on to describe end of the purveyors of deception.

Summary: The devil is not afraid of high decibel prayers, mega-voltage phrases and cajoling pleas.

He only fears Truth from the Blood-Shedding-One whose name is Jesus.

Oh, Guard the boundaries of your heart.

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