Friday, September 14, 2007


Let me share this note from our daughter in Africa.

Our daughter Susan found a wonderful verse that we have seen
God fulfill. Susan's husband is Africa Director for Children's
Cup. She has had a ring-side seat observing God's great move in 'Cup's work in Southern Africa.

Is it OK to be proud of our children?

Isaiah 51:2b

"When I called him, he was only one;
I blessed him and made him many."

Hey Dad,

Remember February, 1992? You were the only one. Now the Lord has made you
many. He has blessed the work; and currently there are 12 adult
missionaries (plus 7 MKs!) on the ground, with more on the way. Not to
mention dozens of African staff.

It's cool, Dad.

I love you, Dad, and I'm proud to be your daughter.


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